How do top up degrees work?
With the progression of technology and devices becoming more affordable, there has been a significant increase in the amount of people that own and utilise different technological devices. Accessing the internet has become easier than ever with just a few clicks from a smartphone or tablet. Whilst the internet has had an impact on several things such as our television viewing habits or banking, it has also significantly impacted education.
It began with institutions slowly introducing and utilising the internet as part of their teaching processes, whether that was through recommending and sharing relevant articles or asking students to watch a video of a debate. This proved to be a great means of facilitating learning and therefore the internet quickly became central to the teaching process. This inevitably resulted in the introduction of e-learning.
Countless courses and resources are now available to students online, providing them with the option of pursuing education online. This has been revolutionary by making higher education more accessible, whilst retaining its quality. E-learning differs from traditional education by being based solely online, therefore not requiring students to attend physical classes. With the accessibility of several devices, it not only makes it easier to learn but also caters to the new generation of young adults that have grown accustomed to using technology to carry out tasks.
Institutions have also found it to be a more cost-effective approach by requiring less commitment from instructors through not having to teach in a classroom everyday. Some students have also found e-learning to be a more interactive approach through elements such as peer-grading. This is when students are able to mark each other’s work, which not only means that there is no requirement from the instructor to complete this task, but also that students are interacting with each other in the same way that they would in a classroom.
Things such as virtual software are already utilised in traditional education for accessing modular information online or posting content that students may find helpful. This aids the learning process by making it easier for students to catch up on work that they may have missed or to find more resources that can help their understanding of subjects.
E-learning is also presented as a more supportive approach to education with the availability of online communities and social media platforms. Therefore, the perception of online learning as a solitary experience no longer holds validity. With assignments already being submitted online, it demonstrates just how everything is quickly becoming digitalised. The internet will continue to take precedence and slowly replace facets of regular education due to being more cost-effective and relieving institutions of more responsibility.
With its integration into regular education and full degrees being made available online, it is evident that the internet has changed the face of education. As society becomes more dependent on technology, the way that we absorb information will continue to shift and therefore education must be flexible and adapt with it.
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