How do top up degrees work?
Whilst the provided product or service is integral to any organisation’s success, it is the employees that make up the company and therefore contribute to accomplishing this success. The overall work culture and role of individual employees is often overlooked in larger organisations due to the high volume of staff, however it still remains crucial for a more effective and higher quality service. It is important for both employees and organisations to recognise and understand how they are able to mutually work together to cultivate a more positive work culture in order to ensure continual progression.
Why is a BA in business required?
Employees with a Business BA often find that they have an advantage over their colleagues due to a more in-depth understanding of their role in the overall organisation and better awareness of the different areas within business. Through learning about the hierarchical system and the way in which departments work together to drive the organisation forward, employees will be more familiar with the intricacies of business and therefore find their own work more purposeful.
A BA in Business is designed to emphasise and focus on professional development, therefore ensuring that graduates are gaining the real-life skills to implement in the workplace. Having these practical skills and knowledge helps to shape graduates into more valuable employees because their deeper understanding will allow them to perform activities that may fall outside of their role. They will also be able to use the goals of the business as a motivating factor and be aware of how to make improvements within the organisation.
A background in business will also help graduates to quickly make the transition between education and entering the workplace due to already possessing the practical skills required in the role, whilst also being aware of what is expected of them.
What is business culture?
Business culture is often defined as the inner-style of the way that a company operates, almost an identity encompassing their overall values and beliefs as an organisation.
The work culture in an organisation is directly correlated with the work ethic of employees and should therefore be prioritised. For example, if employees are unhappy or being treated poorly by management in the workplace, they are more likely to only put in minimal effort without any concern about its outcome on the organisation. However, with a more positive work culture, employees are more likely to go the extra mile to ensure that everything is running efficiently, even performing duties outside of their own role. They will prioritise the needs of the organisation and have the desire to go above and beyond to ensure success.
Employees possess the skills and expertise to drive an organisation forward and it is therefore crucial for organisations to recognise that the business culture within the workplace should constantly be re-evaluated. Employees with a Business BA will be more likely to contribute to assisting the organisation in improving their overall work environment and attempt to embed practices of a healthier work culture. With a greater understanding of what is required for the organisation to succeed, their expertise can be invaluable.
What are the recommendations for businesses to improve?
Organisations must commit to evaluating their work culture and make improvements accordingly. This practice should be an ongoing process because it can significantly impact the quality of service provided. By making the following changes, businesses will be able to cultivate a more positive work culture:
Embed values – The value and goals of an organisation should be reiterated in order for employees to understand the objectives of the business, ultimately allowing it to inform their behaviour. If an employee is not familiar with the values of the organisation that they are working for, it not only leads to confusion but will also make their own work purposeless and hinder their work ethic. Company values need to be embedded within employees and should always be given precedence.
Accountability – Roles and responsibilities should be clearly assigned within an organisation to ensure that employees understand their own duties. This will ensure that the work is evenly distributed amongst employees to eliminate antipathy.
Bridge the gap between management and employee – There is often a lack of communication between senior management and employees which can contribute to a number of issues. Managers must work together with employees to be more open, whilst improving communication between both parties. Many organisations often have an ‘us’ and ‘them’ mentality which not only breeds resentment but prevents employees from working together with management. Therefore, better communication and more lucidity can help to reduce this and improve the overall work culture.
More incentives – It is human nature to desire recognition and praise for working hard and businesses must therefore implement a reward system to ensure that employees are being commended for their efforts. There should be clear incentives to motivate employees because it can otherwise result in a weaker performance and therefore influence the overall business.
Creating a healthier work environment will not only drive organisations to a more successful future but will also increase their overall economic value and it should therefore be prioritised by every business.
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